import java.util.Arrays;

public final class GenericQuick {
   // sort data[first][first+n-1] into ascending order      
   public static <T extends Comparable<T>> void quickSort (T [] data, int first, int n) {
      if (n>1) {
         final int pivot_index = partition (data, first, n);
         final int n1 = pivot_index - first;   // length of first part
         final int n2 = n-n1-1;                // length of second part

         //  The pivot element is now at index "pivot_index".  It is now already
         //  in its correct position, hopefully in the middle of the array.

         quickSort (data, first, n1);         // Sort data[first..pivot_index-1], len=n1
         quickSort (data, pivot_index+1, n2); // Sort data[pivot_index+1..first+n-1], len=n2

     paritition data[first..first+n-1] into values <= data[first] and > data[first]

   public static <T extends Comparable<T>> int partition (T[] data, int first, int n) {
      T pivot = data[first];

      int tooBigIndex=first+1, tooSmallIndex=first+n-1;
      while (tooBigIndex <= tooSmallIndex) {

         // data[first .. tooBigIndex-1] <= pivot
         // data[tooSmallIndex+1 .. first+n-1] > pivot

         while (tooBigIndex < first+n && data[tooBigIndex].compareTo(pivot)<=0) tooBigIndex++;
         while (data[tooSmallIndex].compareTo(pivot)>0) tooSmallIndex--;

         if (tooBigIndex<tooSmallIndex) {
            swap (data, tooBigIndex, tooSmallIndex);

      // Move the pivot element to its correct position at data[tooSmallIndex]
      data[first] = data[tooSmallIndex];
      data[tooSmallIndex] = pivot;

      return tooSmallIndex;  // index of pivot

   private static <T> void swap (final T [] data, final int i, final int j) {
      final T temp = data[i];

   public static void main (final String [] args) throws NumberFormatException {
      final Integer [] data  = new Integer [args.length];
      for (int i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
         data[i] = Integer.parseInt (args[i]);

      System.out.printf ("..: %s%n", Arrays.toString(data));
      quickSort (data, 0, data.length);
      System.out.printf ("**: %s%n", Arrays.toString(data));