A Bibliography on Temporal Reasoning and

Related Papers

Maintainer: Debasis Mitra
Acknowledgement: Suman K. Mutyalya

Department: Computer Science
Jackson State University


This bibliography is developed out of the papers I have collected for my own research. Obviously it reflects primarily my interest in temporal constraint propagation and related areas. Absence of important temporal logic references may be noted. It is REALLY under construction now. However, I would like to have suggestions from anybody on missing references, and particularly on references which supersede the ones existing here. Any other suggestions on the classif ication schemes adopted here, or any other issues are welcome. I intend to acknowledge any contributor in developing this bibliography database. Some other researchers in the area may get involved in this project with me in future.


ALGORITHMS. (This group includes which are important papers but could not be classified as Foundations. Rather a smorgasbord. I intend to reclassify them on a second pass.)
CONSTRAINTS. (Some important CSP papers and the ones related to temporal CSP.)
DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS. (Specific applications on distributed systems)
EXPERIMENTS. (Primarily experimental/empirical works.)
FOUNDATIONS. (Seminal papers in the area.)
NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING. (Temporal reasoning in Natural Language processing.)


SPATIAL REASONING / RCC. (Non-temporal but reasoning on similar spaces.)

E-mail: dmitra@ccaix.jsums.edu


(Foundations, Durations)
James F. Allen, 1983, "Maintaining Knowledge About Temporal Intervals," 
Communications Of ACM 26, vol.11, pp.832-843.
James F. Allen, and Patrick J. Hayes, 1985, "A Common-Sense Theory of Time," 
Proceedings of IJCAI, pp. 528-531.
James F. Allen, and Johannes A. Koomen, 1983, "Planning Using a Temporal World 
Model," IJCAI-83.
Peter Van Beek, 1990, "Exact and Approximate Reasoning about Qualitative Temporal 
Relations," A Thesis presented to the University Of  Waterloo, pp.01-81.
Said Belhadji, 1998, "Temporal Constraint satisfaction Techniques in Job Shop 
Scheduling problem Solving," Constraints: An International Journal, vol.3, pp.203-211.
Christian Bessiere, 1996, "A Simple Way to Improve Path Consistency in Interval 
Algebra Networks," Proceedings of AAAI-96, pp.375-380.
Vittorio Brusoni, Luca Console, Paolo Terenziani, 1995, "On The Complexity Of  
querying bounds on differences constraints," Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol.74, 
(Foundations, Constraints)
Ernest Davis, 1987, "Constraint Propagation with Interval Labels," Artificial Intelligence 
Journal, vol.32, pp. 281-331.
(Uncertainty, Foundations)
Thomas Dean, and Keiji Kanazawa, 1989, "A Model For Reasoning About Persistence 
And Causation," Computational Intelligence, vol. 5, pp.142-150. 
James P. Delgrande, and Arvind Gupta, 1996, "A Representation for Efficient Temporal 
Reasoning," Proceedings of AAAI-96, pp.381-388.
Edmund H. Durfee, and Victor R . Lesser, "Incremental Planning To Control A 
Blackboard-Based Problem Solver," AAAI-86, pp.58-64.
Alfonso Gerevini, and Lenhart Schubert, 1995, "Efficient Algorithms for Qualitative 
Reasoning about Time," Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol.74, pp.207-248.
Malik Ghallab, Amine Mounir Alaoui, 1989, "Managing Efficiently Temporal Relations 
Through Indexed Spanning Trees," Proceedings of IJCAI, pp.1297-1303.
Martin C. Golumbic, and Ron Shamir, 1991, "Complexity and Algorithms for Resoning 
about Time: A Graph-Theoretic Approach," RUTCOR Research Report, vol.22, pp.01-
Peter Haddawy, 1996, "A logic of Time , Chance, and Action for Representing Plans," 
Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol.80, pp.243-308.
Steve Hanks, David Madigan, Jonathan Gavrin, 1995, "Probabilistic Temporal Reasoning 
with Endogenous Change," UAI-95.
(Complexity and Tractability, Hybrid / Metric)
Peter Jonsson, and Christer Backstrom, 1998, "A unifying approach to temporal 
constraint reasoning," Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol.102, pp.143-155.
Henry A. Kautz, and James F. Allen, 1986, "Generalized Plan Recognition," Proceedings 
of AAAI-86,pp.32-37.
Gerard Ligozat, 1994, "Temporal Reasoning Made Simpler," Proceedings of 
IEA/AIE Conference, Austin, Texas, pp.123-230.
S.  Keretho, R .  Loganantharaj, V.N. Gudivada,1991, "Parallel Path-Consistency 
Algorithms for Constraint Satisfaction," Workshop on parallel processing for AI,
IJCAI-91, pp.1-4.
Issac S. Kohane, 1986, "Temporal Reasoning In Medical Expert Systems," MEDIFO-86, 
Editors : R. Salamon, B.Blum, Jorgenen, pp.170-174.
Johannes A.G.M. Koomen, 1989, "The TIMELOGIC Temporal Reasoning System,"  
Technical Report 231(revised)(Univ. Of  Rochester Comp. Science), pp. 1-33.
Johanners A.G.M. Koomen, 1989, "Localizing Temporal Constraint propagation,"KR 
Conference 89, pp. 198-202.
(Complexity and Tractability)
Peter Ladkin, 1986, "Time Representation: A Taxonomy of Interval Relations," 
Proceedings of AAAI-86, pp.360-366
Peter B. Ladkin, and Alexander Reinfled, 1992, "Effective solution of qualitative interval 
constraint problems," Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol.57, pp.105-124.
(Complexity and Tractability)
Gerard Ligozat , 1998, "CORNER Relations in Allen’s algebra," Constraints: An 
International Journal, vol.3, pp165-177.
(Self, Metric)
Debasis Mitra, 1998, "All Consistent Temporal Models for Hybrid Representation of 
Temporal Entities," Proceedings of the International Conference on Information 
Technology (CIT), Bhubaneshwar, India.
Debasis Mitra, and Rasiah Logananthraj, 1993, " Incremental Consistency Algorithms for 
Qualitative Temporal Reasoning," Proceedings of IAE/AIE.
Debasis Mitra, 1998, "Cluster Forming Interval Sub-algebras," Constraint Journal, 
Special issue on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning," vol.3, pp.179-189.
Debasis Mitra, 1995, "Theoretical and Practical Implications of an Algorithm for Finding 
All Consistent Temporal Models," Proceedings of the Florida Artificial Intelligence 
Research Symposium(FLAIRS), Proceedings of the Time-95 Workshop(Independently 
Rasiah Logananthraj, and Debasis Mitra, 1991, "Consistent Singleton Models for 
Temporal Constraint Network," Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics 
and Automation(R&A-IEEE-91), France.   
(Uncertainty, planning)
Liem Ngo, Peter Haddawy, James Helwig, 1995, "A Theoretical Framework for Context-
Sensitive Temporal Probability Model Construction with Application to Plan Projection,"  
Proceedings of 11th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence.
Seppo Puuronen, Helen Kaikova, 1999, "Handling Context-Sensitive Temporal 
Knowledge from Multiple Differently Ranked Sources," Proceedings of IEA/AIE-99, 
Jean- Francois Rit, 1986, "Propagating temporal constraints for scheduling," Proceedings 
of the AAAI, pp.383-388.
Andre Trudel, 1990, "Temporal Integration," Proceedings of CSCSI-90, pp.40-45.
(Complexity and Tractability)
Raul E. Valdes-Perez , 1987, "The Satisfiability Of Temporal Constraint Networks," 
Proceedings of AAAI-87, pp.256-260.


Koenraad Audenaert, 1997, "Clock Trees: Logical Clocks for Programs with Nested 
Parallelism," Proceedings of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol.23, No.10, 
V. Brusoni, L. Console, B. Pernici, and P. Terenziani, 1994, "LaTeR: a general purpose 
of temporal information," In Lecture notes in Artificial intelligence 869, Editor: 
Zbigniew W. Ras, Maria Zemankova (Eds) (Methodologies for Intelligent Systems), 
Proceedings of ISMIS-94, pp.255-264.
V. Brusoni, L. Console, 1995, "Dealing with time in knowledge based systems: a loosely 
coupled approach," Proceedings of the Eighth Florida Artificial Intelligence Research 
Symposium, (FLAIRS-95), Editor: John H. Stewman, pp.162-166.  
Vittorio Brusoni, Luca Console, and Paolo Terenziani, Universita di Torino Barbara 
Pernici, Politecnico di Milano, 1997, "Later: Managing Temporal Information 
Efficiently," IEEE EXPERT, pp.56-63. 
(Spatial Reasoning, ToRead)
Wesley W. Chu, Chih-Cheng Hsu, Alfonso F. Cardenas, and Ricky K. Taira, 1998, 
"Knowledge-Based Image Retrieval with Spatial and Temporal Constructs," Proceedings 
of IEEE, vol.10, No.6, pp.872-888.
Chao-Chiang Meng, and Michael Sullivan,1991, "LOGOS: A Constraint-Directed 
Reasoning Shell for Operations Management," IEEE EXPERT, pp20-28.
Ira J. Haimowitz, and Issac S. Kohane, 1993, "Automated Trend Detection with Alternate 
Temporal Hypotheses," Proceedings of IJCAI-93.
Ira J. Haimowitz, and Issac S. Kohane, 1993, "An Epistemology for Clinically 
Significant Trends," Proceedings of AAAI-93, pp.01-16.
Louis Hoebel, William Lorensen, and Ken Martin, 1998, "Visualize Temporal 
Constraints," SIGART Bulletin, pp.19-23.
Mark  Johnston, Glenn Miller, Jeff Sponsler, Shon Vick, and  Robert Jackson, 1990,                               
"Spike : Artificial intelligence scheduling for Hubble Space  Telescope ," Proceedings for 
fifth conference on Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications, pp.11-18.
Debasis Mitra, and Rasiah Logananthraj, 1994, "Finding All Feasible Plans Using 
Temporal Reasoning," Proceedings of the Conference on Intelligent Robotics in Field, 
Factory, Services, and Space(CIRFFSS-94) Organized by the American Institute of 
Aeronautics and Astronautics and NASA.
Aomar Osmani,1999, "Modeling and Simulating Breakdown Situations in 
Telecommunication Networks," In Lecture notes in Artificial Intelligence 1611, Editor: 
Ibrahim Imam, Yves Kodratoff, Ayman  El-Dessouki, Moonis Ali(Eds), Proceedings of 
IEA/AIE-99, pp. 680-687.
W.A.Perkins, and A.Austin, 1990, "Adding Temporal Reasoning to Expert-System-
Building Environments, Proceedings of IEEE EXPERT, pp.23-30.
(Distributed Systems, Planning and Scheduling)
Michel Raynal, Mukesh  Singhal, 1996, "Capturing Causality in Distributed Systems," 
Proceedings of IEEE computer, pp.49-56.
Reid G. Simmons, 1983, "Use of Qualitative and Quantitative Simulations," proceedings 
of AAAI-83, pp.364-368.
Jonathan Stillman, Richard Arthur, and Andrew Deitsch, 1992, "Tachyon: A constraint-
based temporal reasoning model and its implementation," SIGART Bulletin.
Lluis Vila, 1996, "Temporal Representation for Legal Reasoning," UC IRVINE 
Technical Report 96-57, pp.01-11.
Eckart Walther, Vivek V. Badami, James B. Comly, Paul Nielsen, Van-Duc Nguyen, 
1989, "Real-Time Temporal and Causal Reasoning for Intelligent Control," Industrial 
and Engineering Applications of AI& Expert Systems, vol.1, pp.198-206.


Robert P. Goldman, and R . Raymond Lang , 1993, "Intentions in Time," Technical 
Report TUTR, vol. 101, pp.01-20.


Drakengren T., and Jonsson P., 1998, "A complete classification of tractability in Allen’s 
algebra relative to subsets of basic relations," Artificial Intelligence Journal,vol. 106, pp. 
Thomas Drakengren , Peter Jonsson, 1997, "A complete classification of tractability in 
Allen’s algebra relative to subsets of basic relations," Artificial Intelligence Journal, 
vol.106, pp.205-219.
Drakengren, T., and Jonsson, P., 1996, "Twenty-one large tractable subalgebras of 
Allen's algebra ," Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol. 93, pp. 297.  [A short version of the 
paper appeared in Jnl. Of AI Research, 1997, pp. 25; and also in AAAI-96.]
Alfonso Gerivini, 2003, “Incremental Tractable Reasoning about Qualitative Temporal Constraints,” 
Proceedings of IJCAI-2003, pp1283—1288.
Alfonso Gerevini, and Matteo Cristani, 1997, "On Finding a Solution in Temporal 
Constraint Satisfaction Problems," Proceedings of IJCAI-97, pp.1460-1465. 
(Algorithms, Hybrid / Metric)
Peter Jonsson ,and  Christer Backstrom, 1998, "A unifying approach to temporal 
constraint reasoning," Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol.102, pp.143-155.
Peter Jonsson, Thomas Drakengren, and Christer Backstrom, 1999, "Computational 
Complexity of relating time points with intervals," Artificial Intelligence Journal, 
vol.109, pp.273-295.
Jonsson, P., Drakengren, T., and Backstrom, C., 1996. "Tractable subclasses of point-
interval algebra: A complete classification," Proceedings of the conference on the 
Principles of Knowledge Representation (KR), pp. 352.
Peter Ladkin, 1986, "Time Representation: A Taxonomy of Interval Relations," AAAI-
86, pp.360-366.
(Multi-interval, Spatial Reasoning)
Gerard Ligozat, 1996, "A New Proof of Tractability for ORD-Horn Relations," 
Proceedings of AAAI-96, pp.395-401. 
Gerard Ligozat , 1998, "CORNER Relations in Allen’s algebra," Constraints: An 
International Journal, vol.3, pp165-177.
Itay Meiri,1996, "Combining qualitative and quantitative constraints in temporal 
reasoning," Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol.87, pp.343-385.
Nebel, B., Buckert, H. J., 1995, "Reasoning about temporal relations: A maximum 
tractable subclass of Allen's algebra," Journal of ACM, vol. 42, pp. 43.  [A short paper in 
Bernhard Nebel, 1995, "Reasoning about Temporal Relations: A Maximum Tractable 
Subclass of Allen’s Interval Algebra," Journal of Association for Computer Machinary, 
vol.42, No.1, pp.43-66.
Renz, J., and Nebel, B., 1998, "Efficient methods for qualitative spatial reasoning," 
Proceedings of the Thirteenth European Conference on AI (ECAI), pp. 562-566.
Balbiani P., Osmani, A., Condotta, J. F., and Farinas del Cerro, L., 1998, "A model for 
reasoning about generalized intervals," Workshop notes on Spatial and Temporal 
Reasoning at the European Conference on AI (ECAI).
(RCC/ Spatial Reasoning)
Jochen Renz , and Bernhard Nebel, 1999, "On the complexity of qualitative spatial 
reasoning: A maximal tractable fragment of the region Connection Calculus," Artificial 
Intelligence Journal, vol.108, pp.69-123.
Raul E. Valdes-Perez , 1987, "The Satisfiability Of Temporal Constraint Networks," 
AAAI-87, pp.256-260.
Marc Vilain, and Henry Kautz, 1986, "Constraint Propagation Algorithms for Temporal 
Reasoning," AAAI-86, pp.377-382.


Fahiem Bacchus, and Peter van Beek, 1989, "On the Conversion between Non-Binary 
and Binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems," Proceedings of AAAI, pp.311-318.
Christian Bessiere , Eugene C. Freuder, and Jean-Charles Regin, 1999, "Using Constraint 
meta knowledge to reduce arc consistency computation," vol. 107, pp.125-148.
(Foundations, Algorithms)
Ernest Davis, 1987, "Constraint Propagation with Interval Labels," Artificial Intelligence 
Journal, vol.32, pp.281-331.
Rina Dechter, 1990, "Enhancement Schemes for Constraint Processing: Backjumping, 
Learning, and Cutest Decomposition," Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol.41, pp.273-312.
Eugene C. Freuder, 1978, "Synthesizing Constraint Expressions," Communications of the 
ACM, vol.21, pp.958-966.
Eugene C. Freuder, 1982, "A Sufficient Condition for Backtrack-Free search," Journal of 
ACM, vol.29, pp.24-32.
Eugene C. Freuder, and Daniel Sabin, 1997, "Interchangeability supports Abstraction and 
Reformulation for Multi-Dimensional Constraint Satisfaction," Proceedings of AAAI, 
Daniel Frost, Irina Rish, and Lluis Vila, 1997, "Summarizing CSP hardness with 
continuous probability distributions," Proceedings of AAAI, pp.327-333.
Martin C. Golumbic, and Ron Shamir, 1991, "Complexity and Algorithms for Resoning 
about Time: A Graph-Theoretic Approach," RUTCOR Research Report, vol.22, pp.01-
Marc  Gyssens, Peter G. Jeavons, and David A. Cohen, 1994, "Decomposing Constraint 
Satisfaction Problems Using Database Techniques," Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol. 
66, pp.57-89.
Grzegorz Kondrak, and Peter Van Beek, 1995, "A Theoretical Evaluation Of Selected 
Backtracking Algorithms," Proceedings of IJCAI.
Roger D. Maddux, 1997,
"Relation algebras for reasoning about time and space,
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST'93),"
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Algebraic
Methodology and Software Technology, University of Twente, The
Netherlands,  21--25 June 1993, ed. M. Nivat, C. Rattray, T. Rus and
G. Scollo, Springer-Verlag, London, Series: Workshops in
Computing, 1995, 27--44.
Roger D. Maddux and Peter B. Ladkin, 1994, On binary constraint problems,
Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery Vol. 41, No. 3,
pp 435--469.
Alan K. Mackworth, 1977, "Consistency In Networks Of Relations," Artificial 
Intelligence Journal, vol.8, pp.99-118.
Ugo Montanari, 1974, "Network of constraints: Fundamental properties and applications 
to picture processing," Information Sciences , vol.7, pp.95-132.
Robert Endre Tarjan, 1981, "A Unified Approach to Path Problems,"
Proceedings of JACM-81, vol.28, pp.594-614.
Robert Endre Tarjan, 1981, "Fast Algorithms for Solving Problems,"
Proceedings of JACM-81, vol.28, pp.577-593.


Frank D. Anger , James F. Allen , and Rita V. Rodriguez, Year unknown, "Optimal and 
Heuristic task  scheduling under qualitative Temporal Constraints," Ref. Unknown, 
Joseph Y. Leung , Chung  W. Ng and Gilbert H. Young , Year unknown , "Job 
Scheduling on Generalized Task System ," Ref. Unknown, pp.0-9.
(po time / Scheduling)
Leslie Lamport, 1978, "Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of  Events in a Distributed 
System," Communications of the ACM, vol. 21, pp.558-565. 
(Planning and Scheduling, Applications)
Michel Raynal, Mukesh  Singhal, 1996, "Capturing Causality in Distributed Systems," 
IEEE computer, pp.49-56.


(Foundations, Algorithms)
James F. Allen, 1983, "Maintaining Knowledge About Temporal Intervals," 
Communications Of ACM 26, vol.11, pp.832-843.
Isabel Navarrete, and Roque Marin, 1997, "Qualitative Temporal Reasoning with Points 
and Durations," Proceedings of IJCAI-97, pp.1454-1459.
Rattana WetPrasit, and Abdul Sattar, 1989, "Temporal Reasoning with Qualitative and 
Quantitative Information about Points and Durations," Proceedings of AAAI, pp.656-


Christian Bessiere, 1996, "A Simple Way to Improve Path Consistency in Interval 
Algebra Networks," Proceedings of AAAI-96, pp.375-380.
Daniel Frost, Irina Rish, and Lluis Vila, 1997, "Summarizing CSP hardness with 
continuous probability distributions," Proceedings of AAAI, pp.327-333.
Peter B. Ladkin, and Alexander Reinfled, 1992, "Effective solution of qualitative interval 
constraint problems," Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol.57, pp.105-124.
Debasis Mitra, and Nabendu Pal, 1999, "Complexity Studies of a Temporal Constraint 
Propagation Algorithm: A Statistical Analysis," Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol.11, 
Debasis Mitra, and Nabendu Pal, 1999, "Complexity Studies of a Temporal Constraint 
Propagation Algorithm: A Statistical Analyses," Journal of Experimental and Theoretical 
Artificial Intelligence, pp.155-183.
(Hybrid / Metric)
Malek Mouhoub , Francois Charpillet , and  Jean Paul Haton, 1998, "Experimental 
analysis of Numeric and Symbolic constraint satisfaction Techniques for Temporal 
Reasoning," Constraints: An International Journal, vol.2, pp.151-164.
Kostas Stergiou, Manois Koubarakis, 1989, "Backtracking Algorithms for Disjunction of 
Temporal Constraints," Proceedings of AAAI, pp.248-253.
Ed Yampratoom, and James F. Allen,1993, "Performance Of Temporal Reasoning 
Systems," TRAINS Technical Note 93-1, pp.01-11.


(Algorithms, Durations)
James F. Allen, 1983, "Maintaining Knowledge About Temporal Intervals," 
Communications Of ACM 26, vol.11, pp.832-843.
James F. Allen, 1984, "Towards a General Theory Of Action and Time," Artificial 
Intelligence Journal, vol.23, pp.123-154.
Peter Van Beek, 1990, "Exact and Approximate Reasoning about Qualitative Temporal 
Relations," A Thesis presented to the University Of Waterloo, pp.01-81.
(Algorithms, Constraints)
Ernest Davis, 1987, "Constraint Propagation with Interval Labels," Artificial Intelligence 
Journal, vol.32, pp.281-331.
Thomas L. Dean, Drew V. McDermott, 1987, "Temporal Database Management," 
Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol.32, pp.01-55.
(Algorithms, Uncertainty)
Thomas Dean, and Keiji Kanazawa, 1989, "A Model For Reasoning About Persistence 
And Causation," Computational Intelligence, vol. 5, pp.142-150. 
Thomas Dean, 1989, "Using Temporal Hierarchies to Efficiently Maintain Large 
Temporal Databases," JACM, pp.686-709.
Rina Dechter, Itay Meiri, and Judea Pearl, 1991, "Temporal Constraint Networks," 
Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol.49, pp.61-95.
Didier Dubois, and Henri prade, 1989, "Processing Fuzzy Temporal Knowledge," IEEE 
Transactions on systems, Man, and Cybernetics, No.4, vol.19, pp.729-744.
Marc  Gyssens, Peter G. Jeavons, and David A. Cohen, 1994, "Decomposing Constraint 
Satisfaction Problems Using Database Techniques," Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol. 
66, pp.57-89.
Steve Hanks, and Drew McDermott, year Unknown, "Default Reasoning, Nonmonotonic 
Logics, and the Frame Problem," Proceedings of KR, pp.328-333.
Steve Hanks, and Drew McDermott, 1994, "Modeling a Dynamic and Uncertain World 
1: Symbolic and Probabilistic Reasoning about Change," Artificial Intelligence Journal, 
vol.66, pp.01-55.  
Roger D. Maddux, 1997,
"Relation algebras for reasoning about time and space,
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST'93),"
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Algebraic
Methodology and Software Technology, University of Twente, The
Netherlands,  21--25 June 1993, ed. M. Nivat, C. Rattray, T. Rus and
G. Scollo, Springer-Verlag, London, Series: Workshops in
Computing, 1995, 27--44.
(Planning, Logic)
Drew McDermott, 1982, "A Temporal Logic For Reasoning About Processes and Plans," 
Cognitive Science, vol.6, pp.101-155.
Bernhard Nebel, 1995, "Reasoning about Temporal Relations: A Maximum Tractable 
Subclass of Allen’s Interval Algebra," Journal of Association for Computer Machinary, 
vol.42, No.1, pp.43-66.


Christoph Brzoska, 1992, "Temporal Logic rogramming with Metric and Past 
Operators," Ref. Unknown, pp.01-19.
Thomas Dean, 1989, "Using Temporal Hierarchies to Efficiently Maintain Large 
Temporal Databases," JACM, pp.686-709.
Rina Dechter, Itay Meiri, and Judea Pearl, 1991, "Temporal Constraint Networks," 
Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol.49, pp.61-95.
Alfonso Gerevini, and Lenhart Schubert, 1995, "Efficient Algorithms for Qualitative 
Reasoning about Time," Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol.74, pp.207-248.
(Complexity and Tractability)
Alfonso Gerevini, and Matteo Cristani, 1997, "On Finding a Solution in Temporal 
Constraint Satisfaction Problems," Proceedings of IJCAI-97, pp.1460-1465. 
(Complexity and Tractability, Algorithms)
Peter Jonsson, and Christer Backstrom, 1998, "A unifying approach to temporal 
constraint reasoning," Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol.102, pp.143-155.
(Complexity and Tractability)
Peter Jonsson, Thomas Drakengren, and Christer Backstrom, 1999, "Computational 
Complexity of relating time points with intervals," Artificial Intelligence Journal, 
vol.109, pp.273-295.
Peter  Ladkin, 1987, "The Completeness of a Natural Systems for Reasoning with Time 
Intervals," IJCAI-87, pp.462-467.
Vittorio Brusoni, Luca Console, and Paolo Terenziani, 1995, "On the Complexity of 
Querying Bounds on Differences Constraints," Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol.74, 
(Complexity and Tractability)
Itay Meiri,1996, "Combining qualitative and quantitative constraints in temporal 
reasoning," Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol.87, pp.343-385.
(Algorithms, Self)
Debasis Mitra, 1998, "All Consistent Temporal Models for Hybrid Representation of 
Temporal Entities," Proceedings of the International Conference on Information 
Technology (CIT), Bhubaneshwar, India.
Debasis Mitra, and Rasiah Logananthraj, 1990, "Unified Framework to Combine Time 
Points and Intervals," Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on AI, ITESM, 
Centro De Intelligencia Artificial, Monterrey, Mexico.
Malek Mouhoub , Francois Charpillet , and  Jean Paul Haton, 1998, "Experimental 
analysis of Numeric and Symbolic constraint satisfaction Techniques for Temporal 
Reasoning," Constraints: An international Journal, vol.2, pp.151-164.
Kostas Stergiou, Manois Koubarakis, 1989, "Backtracking Algorithms for Disjunction of 
Temporal Constraints," Proceedings of AAAI, pp.248-253.
Marc B. Vilain, 1982, "A system For Reasoning About Time," Proceedings of AAAI-82, 
Rattana WetPrasit, and Abdul Sattar, 1989, "Temporal Reasoning with Qualitative and 
Quantitative Information about Points and Durations," Proceedings of AAAI, pp.656-


James F. Allen, 1984, "Towards a General Theory Of Action and Time," Artificial 
intelligence Journal, vol.23, pp.123-154.
Christoph Brzoska, 1992, "Temporal Logic programming with Metric and Past 
Operators," Ref. Unknown, pp.01-19.
Calm R., Estela M.R., Gardenyes E., Jorba L., Mielgo H., Sainz M.A., Trepat A., 1998, " 
Modal Intervals," Tech. Report SIGLA/X Group, pp.1-69.
Antony Galton, 1990, "A Critical Examination of Allen’s Theory," Artificial Intelligence 
Journal, vol. 42, pp.159-188.
Steve Hanks, and Drew McDermott, year Unknown, "Default Reasoning, Nonmonotonic 
Logics, and the Frame Problem," Proceedings of KR, pp.328-333.
(Foundation, Planning)
Drew McDermott, 1982, "A Temporal Logic For Reasoning About Processes and Plans," 
Cognitive Science, vol.6, pp.101-155.
Raymond Reiter, 1992, " Formulizing Database Evolution in the Situation Calculus," 
FGCS, pp. 600-609.
Eddie Schwalb, 1997, "A New Unification Method for Temporal Reasoning with 
Constraints," Proceedings of AAAI, pp.165-171.
Sistla, year unknown, "Semantics of Repetitions," Ref. Unknown, pp.170-200.
Erik Sandewall, 1992, "Casual Qualification and Structure-Based Ramification," Ref. 
Tong Gao Tang , 1991, "Programming in Temporal-Nonmonotonic Reasoning," Journal 
of Automated Reasoning, vol.7, pp.383-401.
Seow Kiam Tian, and R . Devanathan, 1992, "Temporal Logic Formulation of Assembly 
Sequence Properties," Proceedings of IEEE-92  International Conference on Robotics 
and Automation, pp.1208-1230.


(Complexity and Tractability)
Balbiani P., Osmani, A., Condotta, J. F., and Farinas del Cerro, L., 1998, "A model for 
reasoning about generalized intervals," Workshop notes on Spatial and Temporal 
Reasoning at the European Conference on AI (ECAI).
(Complexity, Spatial Reasoning)
Gerard Ligozat, 1996, "A New Proof of Tractability for ORD-Horn Relations," 
Proceedings of AAAI-96, pp.395-401. 
Jonathan Stillman, Richard Arthur, and Andrew Deitsch, 1992, "Tachyon: A constraint-
based temporal reasoning model and its implementation," SIGART Bulletin.


Frank D. Anger, Peter B. Ladkin, and Rita V. Rodriguez, 1991, "Atomic temporal 
interval relations in branching time : calculation and application," Proceedings of SPIE- 
The International society for optical Engineering, vol.1468, pp.121-136.
Frank D. Anger, Debasis Mitra, and Rita V. Rodriguez, 1999, "Satisfiability in Non-
Linear Time Algorithms and Complexity," Proceedings of FLAIRS-1999 conference, 
Special task on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, Orlando, FL.
Thomas Dean, and Mark Boddy, 1988, "Reasoning about Partially Ordered Events," 
Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol.36, pp.375-399.
Maria Fox, and Derek Long, 1996, "An Efficient Algorithm for Managing Partial Orders 
in Planning," SIGART Bulletin, vol.7, No.4, pp.03-12.
Leslie Lamport, 1978, "Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of  Events in a Distributed 
System ," Communications of the ACM, vol. 21, pp.558-565. 
(Spatial Reasoning/Rec)
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notes in Artificial Intelligence 1611, pub. Springer Verlag, Editor: Ibrahim Imam, Yves 
Kodratoff, Ayman  El-Dessouki, Moonis Ali(Eds), (Proceedings of IEA/AIE-99,) pp.698-
(Complexity and Tractability)
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Fuzzy Allen Relations," Workshop on Spatial & Temporal Reasoning, Proceedings of 
Lluis Godo, and Lluis Vila, 1995, "Possibilistic Temporal Reasoning based on Fuzzy 
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(Planning, Algorithms)
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Sensitive Temporal Probability Model Construction with Application to Plan Projection," 
Proceedings of 11th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence.
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